Recommended citation: Abowd, John M., Ian M. Schmutte, William Sexton, and Lars Vilhuber (2019). "Suboptimal Provision of Privacy and Statistical Accuracy When They are Public Goods."
Recommended citation: Abowd, John M., Ian M. Schmutte, William Sexton, and Lars Vilhuber (2019). "Introductory Readings in Formal Privacy for Economists.
Published in American Economic Association Papers and Proceedings, 2019
Recommended citation: Abowd, John M., Ian M. Schmutte, William Sexton, and Lars Vilhuber (2019) "Why the Economics Profession Must Participate in the Privacy Protection Debate." American Economic Association Papers and Proceedings, vol. 109, pp. 397-402.
Recommended citation: Abowd, John M., Ian M. Schmutte and Lars Vilhuber (2021). "Disclosure Limitation and Confidentiality Protection in Linked Data."in Administrative Records for Survey Methodology (eds A.Y. Chun, M.D. Larsen, G. Durrant and J.P. Reiter).
Published in International Statistical Review, 2022
Recommended citation: Schmutte, Ian M. and Lars Vilhuber (2022) "An Interview with John M. Abowd." International Statistical Review, 90(1), pp.1--40.
Recommended citation: Schmutte, Ian M. (2014). "Free to Move? A Network Approach to the Analysis of Job Mobility." Labour Economics. vol. 29 pp. 49-61.
Recommended citation: Gittings, Kaj and Ian M. Schmutte (2016). "Getting Handcuffs on an Octopus: Minimum Wages, Employment, and Turnover." Industrial and Labor Relations Review, vol. 69(5) pp. 1133-1170.
Recommended citation: Schmutte, Ian M. (2015). "Job Referral Networks and the Determination of Earnings in Local Labor Markets." Journal of Labor Economics. vol. 33 pp. 1-33.
Recommended citation: Cornwell, Chris and Jason Rivera and Ian M. Schmutte (2017) "Wage Discrimination when Identity is Subjective: Evidence from Changes in Employer-Reported Race." Journal of Human Resources, vol. 52, no. 3, pp. 719-755.
Recommended citation: Abowd, John M., Francis Kramarz, Sebastian Perez-Duarte, and Ian M. Schmutte (2018) "Sorting Between and Within Industries: A Testable Model of Assortative Matching." Annals of Economics and Statistics, vol. 129, pp. 1-32.
Recommended citation: Abowd, John M. and Ian M. Schmutte (2019) "An Economic Analysis of Privacy Protection and Statistical Accuracy as Social Choices." American Economic Review, vol. 109, pp. 171-202.
Recommended citation: Cornwell, Christopher, Ian M. Schmutte, and Daniela Scur (2021) "Building a Productive Workforce: The Role of Structured Management Practices." Management Science, 67(12), pp. 7291-7950.
Recommended citation: Lavetti, Kurt and Ian M. Schmutte (2023) "Gender Differences in Sorting on Wages and Risk." Journal of Econometrics, vol. 233, no. 2, pp. 507-523.
Recommended citation: Perova, Elizaveta; Reynolds, Sarah; Schmutte, Ian. "Does the Gender Wage Gap Influence Intimate Partner Violence in Brazil? Evidence from Administrative Health Data." online ahead of print, Journal of Human Resources, June 6, 2023.
Recommended citation: Schmutte, Ian M. and Meghan M. Skira. "The Response of Firms to Maternity Leave and Sickness Absence." online ahead of print, Journal of Human Resources, July 6, 2023.
Recommended citation: Bennedsen, Morten, Birthe Larsen, Ian M. Schmutte and Daniela Scur (2023) "The Effect of Preserving Job Matches During a Crisis." Labour Economics, vol.84, October.
Recommended citation: Jarmin, Abowd, Ashmead, Cumings-Melon, Goldschlag, Hawes, Keller, Kifer, Leclerc, Reiter, Rodriguez, Schmutte, Velkoff and Zhuravlev (2023) "An In-Depth Examination of Requirements for Disclosure Risk Assessment" Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol. 120(43)
Recommended citation: Lavetti, Kurt and Ian M. Schmutte (2018). "Estimating Compensating Wage Differentials with Endogenous Job Mobility." Working Paper.